
Hormones and acne: the Real Deal

Hormones and acne always seem to be associated with each other. Hormones are the leading cause of teenage acne because these hormonal changes during puberty cause various reactions f? images.

This is why teenagers are m? s prone to individual sessions than adults of the skin. When adults experience such individual sessions, this is called hormonal acne, which is a result of hormonal imbalance.

The culprit is a group of hormones, known as the andr? genos - "acne hormone". Do these andr? genos, testosterone appears to be m? s closely related to acne.

Do do explicaci? n detr? s of the relationship? n of hormones and acne is quite simple. Do do the endocrine system produces excessive amounts of andr? genos that cause hyperactivity in the gl? ndulas seb? ceas. As result, a superproducci? n of a waxy substance called sebum is produced in the pores of the skin. The result of the obstrucci? n of pores and outbreaks of acne.

Men and women produce andr? genos, but there are levels generally higher in men than in women. Do part of the raz? n why both sexes experience individual sessions of acne is due to the fact that their bodies produce andr? genos during puberty.

Do do on the other hand, hormonal acne in adult women, can be caused by the s? poliqu ovary syndrome? stico, where women experience increase in growth of facial and body hair, as? as of the thinning scalp. These are all due to changes metab? MICS and per? irregular ears. Do do you can administer a test to see if level andr? genos is high and therefore a continuaci? n, you can? an be the cause of the problem of acne.

Causes of the Hormonal imbalance

Do do there are several causes of hormone imbalance in women, but the n? kernel of the problem lies in what is known as the domain of estr? geno - too estr? geno and not enough progesterone present in the body. This is, probably, why women are m? s susceptible to grain during most of their lives. Women's bodies are subject to many changes dram? ticos, including puberty, the menstrual cycle, menopause and pregnancy.

Hormones and acne: balance is the key

Unfortunately, the eldest? treatments medical hormonal acne focused simply trying to artificially balance the hormones without really want to establish what causes an imbalance of such in the first place. This is the raz? n why the p? ldoras contraceptive are popular in the treatment of the hormonal acne; It is to balance the hormones in the body and prevents individual sessions.

Note that there are many factors that consider maintain a hormonal imbalance. Options of lifestyle, food intake, stress and composici? genetic n are s? what some of them. All this should be considered if you want to actually get rid of your acne.

