
Antibody therapy may be useful in Alzheimer’s disease – DiarioMedico.com

THE MOLECULES are more effective
Antibody therapy may be useful in Alzheimer’s disease
Some antibodies specifically designed to go beyond the blood-brain barrier would improve the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, according to Science Translational Medicine published today

Updated – Thursday, 26 May 2011 – drafting to 00: 00 h.

Two studies published today in Science Translational Medicine show how to improve the effectiveness of drugs against Alzheimer’s disease; to this end, some antibodies specifically designed are used. These molecules Act by blocking one of the enzymes needed to produce peptide amyloid beta, to add in the brain of patients with Alzheimer’s disease induced Neurodegeneration.

Researchers have designed the antibody so it ligue a recipient of the blood-brain barrier; Unlike other antibodies, the new molecule not binds to transferrin, another recipient of blood-the brain barrier that moves by the blood vessels, without reaching the brain tissue. Thanks to these new antibodies do not have a high affinity for transferrin, can overcome the blood-brain barrier and reach the brain without getting lost along the way; Instead, bind to the enzyme beta secretasa (BACE1), which is a therapeutic target in Alzheimer’s disease.

In fact, as they have seen these researchers in models of the disease in mice and monkeys, there is a reduction in the amount of amyloid peptides in the blood of animals, as well as in the brain, although the latter is more modest. Despite these findings, clinical studies to determine whether the efficacy seen in experimental models reproduces in patients are needed.

Both works have been made by the Group of Ryan j. Watts, of the Department of neuroscience of the biotechnological Genentech, based in San Francisco, and by the team of Mark S. Dennis, of the Department of engineering of antibodies, the aforementioned company. The works are accompanied by an editorial, in Steven M. Paul, at Cornell University (New York), also in this issue of the magazine, on the implications of this type of therapy

(Science Trans Medicine 2011; 3: 84ra43/84ra44).
Antibody therapy may be useful in Alzheimer’s disease – DiarioMedico.com

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If cooked correctly, the fish may be beneficial for the heart of the woman: MedlinePlus

If cooked correctly, the fish may be beneficial for the heart of the woman
A study is to eat it roasted on the grill or oven-baked reduced the risk of heart failure in 30 per cent

Address of this page:
(http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spanish/news/fullstory_112472.html(*estas news will not be available after 08/23/2011)

Translated from the English: Wednesday, may 25, 2011

Topics on MedlinePlus

In women’s heart disease
Heart failure

Tuesday, May 24 (HealthDay News/HolaDoctor) according to a recent study, the fish, known for some time to be healthy for the heart, when it baked or roasted on the Grill also protects against the development of heart failure.

The research, which followed up more than 84,000 postmenopausal women for an average of 10 years, found that those whose diets included more fish baked and roasted on the grill is to say, five or more servings a week had a risk of heart failure 30 percent lower, compared with women who ate less than one serving per month.

“A direct link between fish and heart failure is not necessarily intuitive because it might be expected to protect against heart attacks,” said the lead author of the study, Dr. Donald Lloyd, a preventive cardiologist and director of the Department of preventive medicine of the Faculty of medicine Feinberg of Northwestern University, in Chicago. “But this is not the mechanism that operates here and I think that is something interesting.” “It is also interesting that the way in which the fish is prepared is as important as the type of fish consumed”.

The study appears published on 24 may in the journal Circulation: Heart Failure.

According to the study, eating fried fish, which previously was associated with increased risks of stroke, is associated with a greater risk of heart failure, and a single serving per week was associated with a risk increased 48 percent.

In addition, dark as the salmon, the macarellus and anchovy fish were associated with risks lower than those who represent either tuna or white fish such as sole, sea bream or COD.

According to previous research, fatty acids omega 3 present in fish reduced the risks of cardiovascular disease to reduce inflammation and improve the blood pressure, as well as the function of the heart and blood vessels.

Lloyd commented that their study not revealed a specific relationship between fatty acids omega 3, and heart failure, compared with heart disease in general, but pointed out that the science continues unraveling all the nutritional aspects of fish. Heart failure is characterized by the inability of the heart to pump blood to the rest of the body.

“It is possible that we do not know the other components but that is the reason why eating fish is better than taking a supplement,” he said. “It is really necessary to consume food.” “This is undoubtedly an important part of a healthy eating pattern”.

The study of Lloyd was based on data from 84,493 women aged 50 to 79 who were part of the study Women’s Health Initiative (initiative of women’s health). The vast majority of the participants were white (85 percent), while 7 per cent were African American and 3% Hispanic.

The main limitation of the study was its nature of observation and the fact of the own participants to inform about their eating habits, said Lona Sandon, Assistant Professor of clinical nutrition from University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas.

“You don’t know is if these women have been eating five servings of fish baked or roasted grilled throughout his life, or if it is something that began to make from age 50,” said Sandon. “It is also possible that they have a more active lifestyle and consume less saturated fat.” “So there are probably many differences in the general nutritional intake”.

In fact, the study showed that the participants whose diets included more baked and roasted grilled fish used to be healthier and look younger than their counterparts who ate fish fried, that they were more physical activity and had a better physical condition. In addition, they were more educated, less likely to smoke and showed reduced incidence of diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

“Undoubtedly is promising that [fish baked and roasted on the grill] essentially had a protective effect,” said Sandon. “That corresponds to what we know from other studies: the fish contains something that is good for us.” “And not fried fish also contains something that is good for us.”

Article by HealthDay, translated by Hispanicare
SOURCES: Donald Lloyd, M.D., preventive cardiologist and director of the Department of preventive medicine of the Faculty of medicine Feinberg of Northwestern University, Chicago; Lona Sandon, R.D., Assistant Professor of clinical nutrition from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, in Dallas; May 24, 2011, Circulation: Heart Failure

(c) copyrights 2011, HealthDay
If cooked correctly, the fish may be beneficial for the heart of the woman: MedlinePlus

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ORLive, Inc. and U.S. National Library of Medicine: La reparación cardiaca de un PFO

Heart of a persistence of Patent foramen ovale repair (PFO, for its acronym in English)
Tue, 24 May 2011 14: 54: 31-0500

ORLive, Inc. and U.S. National Library of Medicine: a PFO heart repair

Congenital heart defects

Address of this page: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spanish/congenitalheartdefects.html

Other names: heart of birth defects

A congenital heart defect is a problem with the structure of the heart. It is present at the time of birth. Congenital heart defects are the most common type of major birth defects.

The heart of an infant begins to develop shortly after conception. During development, structural defects may occur. These defects may affect the walls of the heart, heart valves, arteries and veins close to the heart. Congenital heart defects can disrupt the normal flow of blood through the heart. The flow can be:

Slow ?Hacerse
?IR in the wrong direction or the wrong place
Completely blocked ?estar

Treatment of the defect may include medicines, surgery and other medical procedures and heart transplants. Treatment depends on the type and severity of the defect and of the age, size and the overall health of the child. Today, many children born with complex congenital heart defects grow to adulthood and lead productive lives.

NIH: National heart, lung, and Blood Institute

MedlinePlus page of multiple access:
Congenital heart defects: MedlinePlus in Spanish

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Carpal tunnel syndrome is cultural?: MedlinePlus

Is carpal tunnel syndrome cultural?

Address of this page:
(http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spanish/news/fullstory_112496.html(*estas news will not be available after 08/23/2011)

Translated from the English: Wednesday, may 25, 2011
Topic on MedlinePlus

Carpal tunnel syndrome

NEW YORK (Reuters) – each year, more than four out of every 1,000 Swedish women are diagnosed with the syndrome of the carpal tunnel, a number much lower than that recorded in United States, revealed a study carried out in Sweden.

In males, the number of new cases remained just below the two of every 1,000, according to research led by Isam Atroshi, of the Hassleholm Hospital in Sweden, and published in Archives of Internal Medicine.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition caused by a clamping to a nerve in the wrist. Although sometimes it will only, may require treatment, and possible surgery to relieve pressure on the nerve if they fail to splinting or corticosteroid hormone injections.

“Some studies estimated the incidence of the syndrome of the carpal tunnel (STC), showing wide differences between countries,” he wrote Atroshi.

“We believe the impact of the STC diagnosed by doctors and the surgeries in the general population in the South of Sweden and compare it with the general population of United States,” he added.

Previous studies have produced similar results.

One, in which participated Gelfman Russell of the clinic may, revealed that about twice as many people in the County of Olmsted, Minnesota, were diagnosed with carpal tunnel, compared with the observed rates in Sweden.

“This study adds to our comments that there are differences in the incidence of clinically attended carpal tunnel syndrome and surgical treatment between countries,” he told Reuters Health Gelfman, who did not participate in the recent study.

It is still unknown what is behind these differences, but both medical factors such as social, could affect wrote Atroshi.

For example, it could be related to obesity or various types of work, added the author.

Carpal tunnel often occur as a result of repetitive movements that cause inflammation in the ligaments of the wrist and pinzan nerve.

Gelfman reported that up to 15 percent of the population would have symptoms, but only around 5 per cent or less is diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Reuters Health
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Carpal tunnel syndrome is cultural?: MedlinePlus

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Nature’s Cure Two-Part Acne Treatment System, for Women, 1 month supply (60 Tablets, 1 Ounce Cream)

Posted by cshack on May 27, 2011 at 1:06 pm · Under acne remedies

Nature's Cure Two-Part Acne Treatment System, for Women, 1 month supply (60 Tablets, 1 Ounce Cream)(Product received may temporarily differ from image shown due to packaging update. Image will be revised, shortly)
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Price: $9.99

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They counteract the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease with Tai Chi classes – NYTimes.com

Rehabilitation / initiative for the neurological society of Argentina
They counteract the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease with Tai Chi classes
Given its proven benefits, recommended practice it as early as possible
Wednesday, may 25, 2011 | Published in print edition.
Fabiola Czubaj

Although it may seem strange, slow movements, paused and coordinated an ancient Chinese physical discipline such as Tai Chi are ideal for people with Parkinson’s. Moreover, such is the relaxation that generated that, little by little, the session manages to begin to fade one of the most well known symptoms of the disease, tremor.

“The practice of Tai Chi in people with Parkinson’s is very innovative, as they are other secondary therapies in rehabilitation (tango or yoga).” “In this case, they should concentrate in order to slow and very measured, movements that improve the elongation and coordination, and allow them to counter the classic symptoms of the disease, which are the rigidity, tremor, or involuntary movements (dyskinesias)”, explained Dr. Cecilia Peralta, of the Group of unusual movements and Parkinson of the Argentina neurological society (NSS).

And this was the case with more than 50 patients in a Tai Chi session during a meeting organized by a program of SNA that promotes the exercise overseen in people living with the disease, which affects nerve cells in an area of the brain known as substance nigra and that control muscle movements. Therefore people with Parkinson’s are losing expressiveness in the face, move hand more slowly, write with a smaller font or walk dragging your feet.

“As they are losing some balance and postural reflexes, all physical therapies to stimulate the re-education of the posture and balance, such as Tai Chi, will to succeed only if done them in a sustained manner, i.e. weekly or daily – said the doctor Diego Bauso”, of the same working group. “And sometimes even complement each other very well drug treatment.”

It is that, according to agreed Peralta, Bauso and Dr. Nélida Garretto, driving the Parkinson programme in movement, it is common think patients and may be much less than it really can. “This kind of exercises in controlled environments allow them to develop certain skills that are latent,” it added Bauso.

That Yes, consistency is the key: “When they stop doing the exercise, the benefit is lost – said the expert-.” “If they are constant, the benefits are clear.” The list includes the improvement of postural control, which is affecting more moderate or advanced stage disease and predisposes to drops. To recover the balance and the orientation is another positive effect, according to motor assessment scales.

In fact, these results changed medical practice. “When we send patients to perform traditional physical rehabilitation, is high drop-out – noted Garretto-.” “With Tai Chi, as with tango, we see that this is not true and that to stimulate the social exchange.”

But that’s not all. “We indicated earlier, the rehabilitation in more advanced cases of the disease”. “Now, do so as soon as possible”, said Peralta. It is that, as you pointed out Bauso, start doing these exercises at the initial stage of Parkinson’s disease “improves its evolution”.

Ten minutes a day

For nearly an hour, the leisurely and gentle voice of the instructor led the slow movements with which more than 50 people made different figures body in one of the salons of the circle sea officers. In the end, the instructor advised them: “repeat these exercises at home, 10 minutes in the morning.” “With a little every day, a month will go better.”

Eleodoro, of 68 years, that it co-exists with Parkinson’s for 6 years and never stopped working in the bakery, ended the session without visible tremor in hands and relaxed. “I am relieved – he said-.” “We have little stability, but here not we got, so it is worth trying it, do not…?”

Elena frameworks, 58 years and neighbor of Lincoln, it was all new. “Do not know, and that I test everything I can.” I’m starting to lose their balance and here I noticed no. “It gives agility and sense of serenity, which is what we need to be well.”

Tai Chi does not increase the heart rate or the natural shaking of the body, explained Garretto. “As the tremor in Parkinson’s disease is closely related to anxiety and emotional stress, it is a symptom which improves.” “The patients apply relaxation techniques at any time,” he concluded. For more information about the program, info@sna.org.ar.

They counteract the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease with Tai Chi classes – NYTimes.com

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Nexcare Skin Crack Care .24 fluid ounces (7-ml)

Posted by cshack on May 27, 2011 at 9:49 pm · Under acne remedies

Nexcare Skin Crack Care .24 fluid ounces (7-ml)Nexcare Skin Crack Care is designed for painful skin cracks to promote healing for dry, cracked skin on fingers, hands, feet, and elbows. Easy-to-use, fast-drying, clear liquid. Forms a long-lasting, waterproof seal to protect extremely dry skin. Contains natural ingredients: Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Tea Tree Oil.

Price: $10.99

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Itchy Scalp And Hair Loss – Remedies For Itchy Scalp Hair Loss

Posted by cshack on May 26, 2011 at 11:41 pm · Under Scalp Remedies

Luckily, itchy scalp hair thinning is not really permanent. Hair thinning can end up being frustrating, but itchy scalp hair thinning is much more depressing. An itchy scalp hair thinning are really annoying. Itchy scalp hair thinning problems usually are caused by extreme essential oil secretion type the scalp — natural oils. Itchy scalp hair thinning issues frequently are caused by extreme essential oil secretion type the scalp — natural oils. Used with an essential oil regulating hair shampoo, you could possibly get viable treatments with regard to itchy scalp hair thinning. Used with an essential oil regulating hair shampoo, you could possibly get viable treatments with regard to itchy scalp hair thinning. Another reason for itchy scalp hair thinning is the actual prolonged utilization of very powerful shampoo.
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Itchy Head And Hair thinning — Treatments For Itchy Scalp Hair thinning , itchy scalp hair loss

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FDA approves abiraterona for advanced prostate cancer |Bulletin of the National Institute of cancer – 24 May 2011 – National Cancer Institute

La FDA aprueba abiraterona para cáncer de próstata avanzado

El 28 de abril, la FDA aprobó el uso de la abiraterona (Zytiga), en la imagen superior, para el tratamiento del cáncer de próstata metastásico resistente a la castración en los hombres que ya no responden a la quimioterapia con docetaxel.Por segunda vez en un a?o, la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA) ha aprobado un nuevo tratamiento contra el cáncer de próstata avanzado en hombres que, hasta fechas recientes, contaban con pocas opciones eficaces de tratamiento.

El pasado 28 de abril, la agencia aprobó el uso de abiraterona (Zytiga) para el tratamiento del cáncer de próstata metastásico resistente a la castración (lo que significa que la enfermedad evoluciona pese a la baja concentración de hormonas que nutren el tumor) en hombres que ya no responden al fármaco quimioterapéutico docetaxel. La primavera pasada, la agencia aprobó el cabazitaxel (Jevtana) para el mismo uso indicado. En ambos casos, la aprobación se basó en los resultados de grandes estudios clínicos de fase III en los cuales los fármacos prolongaron la supervivencia de los pacientes.

La disponibilidad de estos dos nuevos fármacos –así como la inmunoterapia con sipuleucel-T (Provenge), autorizada por la FDA en abril pasado como alternativa al docetaxel para algunos hombres con cáncer de próstata metastásico resistente a la castración– representa un cambio en el panorama del tratamiento del cáncer de próstata avanzado, al decir de varios investigadores.

En estos momentos contamos casi con una “sobreabundancia de opciones” debido a que se están realizando varios estudios clínicos con fármacos experimentales que también parecen ser prometedores en el tratamiento contra el cáncer de próstata, dijo el doctor Ian Thompson, del Centro de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad de Texas en San Antonio.

Pero advirtió que si bien las mejoras en la supervivencia con el uso del acetato de abiraterona y cabazitaxel fueron significativas, los beneficios siguen siendo modestos: ambos fármacos aumentaron la mediana de supervivencia general en aproximadamente 2 a 4 meses.

Además, la disponibilidad de opciones múltiples de tratamiento crea nuevos problemas –aunque bienvenidos– de tal manera que médicos e investigadores deben tomar decisiones difíciles sobre qué fármacos utilizar, en cuáles pacientes, y cuándo. No obstante, algunas de estas decisiones implican los llamados “usos para indicaciones no aprobadas”.

Los andrógenos siguen siendo importantes

La aprobación de abiraterona se basó en los resultados de un estudio clínico financiado por la empresa fabricante del fármaco, Cougar Biotechnology, en el cual cerca de 1 200 pacientes recibieron de manera aleatorizada una combinación de este fármaco con una dosis del corticosteroide prednisona o prednisona con un placebo. La mediana del tiempo de supervivencia fue de 14,8 meses en los pacientes que recibieron abiraterona y prednisona y de 10,9 meses en aquellos que recibieron solo prednisona, de acuerdo con un informe presentado por los investigadores en diciembre pasado durante un congreso de oncología europeo de gran envergadura. Los pacientes tratados con abiraterona presentaron pocos efectos secundarios graves. (Los resultados del estudio que llevó a la aprobación de cabazitaxel fueron reportados en marzo del 2010).

No se han realizado estudios clínicos para comparar la abiraterona con el cabazitaxel, pero la abiraterona produce menos efectos secundarios graves y se puede tomar por vía oral, lo cual la convierte en la primera opción de preferencia para estos pacientes, dijo el doctor William Dahut, del Centro de Investigación Oncológica del NCI.

“La facilidad de la administración de la abiraterona y su perfil favorable de efectos secundarios obviamente influirán en el tratamiento que escojan médicos y pacientes”, coincidió la doctora Maha Hussain, del Centro Oncológico Integral de la Universidad de Michigan.

Los pacientes que ya han sido tratados con ketoconazol pueden ser la excepción. (Si bien la FDA no ha dado su aprobación para su uso en el tratamiento del cáncer de próstata avanzado, el ketoconazol ha demostrado beneficios en algunos pacientes). “Los pacientes con exposición previa al ketoconazol probablemente no respondan tan bien a la abiraterona” que aquellos que no lo han recibido, explicó el doctor Dahut.

Mientras que el cabazitaxel pertenece a una nueva generación de fármacos para quimioterapia denominados taxanos, la abiraterona es el primero de una clase de fármacos nuevos para tratar el cáncer de próstata dirigidos de manera directa o indirecta contra la testosterona; esto representa un “vuelco en el paradigma” del tratamiento de esta enfermedad, de acuerdo con el doctor Dahut. (Ver recuadro en la parte inferior de la página). La abiraterona inhibe la enzima CYP17, cuya función es esencial en la producción de testosterona a partir del colesterol.

La castración inducida por fármacos con agonistas de la hormona liberadora de la hormona luteinizante –la cual priva de la testosterona que necesitan para multiplicarse las células tumorales de la próstata– ha sido el tratamiento convencional y eficaz para el cáncer de próstata desde hace varias décadas. Pero en muchos pacientes, la enfermedad termina por evolucionar pese a los bajos niveles de testosterona presentes en el cuerpo.

“Hace quince a?os, la idea general era que la enfermedad que evolucionaba con la terapia hormonal era resistente al tratamiento y no tenía sentido ensayar terapias hormonales de segunda y tercera línea”, dijo el doctor Dahut. Pero los estudios han mostrado que las células tumorales se adaptan a un ambiente bajo en hormonas andrógenas, en parte por el aumento en la expresión de los receptores de andrógeno en su superficie. De modo que, si bien la cantidad de testosterona en el cuerpo puede ser muy reducida, todavía sigue produciéndose y las células tumorales desarrollan la capacidad de obtener lo máximo que puedan.

La eficacia de la abiraterona, agregó, muestra “la importancia de dirigir la acción contra la testosterona”, aun en pacientes con “niveles de castración”.

?Qué fármacos, combinación o secuencias?

La disponibilidad de nuevas opciones de tratamiento para el cáncer de próstata avanzado ha creado una situación en la que los pacientes y sus médicos tendrán que tomar decisiones clínicas difíciles, aunque no haya evidencias clínicas suficientes. Por ejemplo, algunos médicos probablemente querrán utilizar abiraterona en pacientes con enfermedad avanzada que ya no responden a terapias hormonales convencionales pero que no han sido tratados todavía con docetaxel.

Es probable que en esta etapa de la enfermedad los pacientes respondan a la abiraterona, coincidieron los doctores Dahut y Hussain, aunque el doctor Dahut advirtió que no hay evidencia todavía de que este enfoque en el tratamiento prolongue la supervivencia. Y la doctora Hussain agregó, que en este momento no es factible que el seguro médico cubra este uso no indicado del fármaco. Un estudio clínico en fase III para evaluar este enfoque está en curso actualmente.

Si la FDA aprueba la abiraterona para su uso en pacientes con enfermedad resistente a la castración que no han sido tratados con docetaxel, habrá cuestionamientos sobre qué administrar primero: arbiraterona o sipuleucel-T.

Se necesitan más investigaciones para determinar mejor la secuencia de los tratamientos o la combinación de tratamientos que pueda ser más satisfactoria, dijo el doctor Thompson. El objetivo es “realizar estudios de adaptación que utilicen múltiples fármacos con más posibilidad de beneficiar al pacientes en forma individual”, agregó.

En este sentido, los esfuerzos a realizarse deben ser producto de una deliberación seria y cuidadosa, recalcó la doctora Hussain, particularmente cuando se trata de probar combinaciones de fármacos. “Se necesitan enfoques inteligentes y racionales, respaldados por datos científicos sistematizados que justifiquen ensayar las combinaciones de estos fármacos”, dijo, “y no hacerlo solo por el hecho de que están disponibles y se pueden llevar a cabo”.

—Carmen Phillips

Doble reducción de testosterona

Además de la abiraterona, se están realizando estudios clínicos en fase III de otros dos fármacos en hombres con cáncer de próstata resistente a la castración que ya no responden al docetaxel: TAK-700 y MDV3100.

La abiraterona no solo afecta la testosterona sino también la producción de otras hormonas lo que puede producir efectos secundarios, como hipertensión arterial. Para evitar estos efectos o mitigarlos, se administran corticosteroides. Los corticosteroides pueden conllevar sus propios efectos secundarios a largo plazo, de tal forma que la necesidad de combinar abiraterona con corticosteroides podría limitar el uso de este fármaco en hombres con enfermedad en estadio más temprano y una esperanza de vida más larga, observó el doctor Thompson.

Al igual que la abiraterona, TAK-700 también dirige su acción contra la CYP17, pero puede ser más selectivo en suprimir la producción de andrógenos y no parece tener un efecto asociado a la dosis, explicó la doctora Hussain. Como resultado de ello, el fármaco podría utilizarse en dosis que no requieran administración simultánea de corticosteroides.

MDV3100 funciona de manera diferente, afectando la capacidad de las células tumorales para utilizar la testosterona. Esto lo hace en parte al bloquear los receptores de andrógenos. En virtud de este mecanismo, MDV3100 no tiene que utilizarse en combinación con corticosteroides.

Independientemente de las fortalezas y debilidades de cada uno de los fármacos, la disponibilidad de agentes eficaces de segunda y tercera generación para la privación andrógena representa un “gran avance”, dijo la doctora Hussain. “Cada fármaco nuevo parece ser mejor que los anteriores. Esto es fabuloso para los pacientes”.

Boletín del Instituto Nacional del Cáncer – 24 de mayo de 2011 – National Cancer Institute

View the original article here

Aloe Vera kills the shins

Acne sucks and apart from get on the prescripci? n counter means literally burn these ooey, sticky, cat full of grain away, is really very little you can do in this regard. Grains are the result of their skin was clogged with natural oils known as sebum. The oil trapped in a ground raging for bacteria and soon enough inflamaci? n, and there is an outbreak. Do if you're a teenager, where acne goes hand in hand with clumsy dance and keys, then be? f? cil to simple say "ball" and washing the face once in time. Do, however, there are some people who end up experiencing outbreaks of acne in their 20 to? you and? n in the 1930s. This is because it in addition to hormonal changes, other factors contributing to grains are genetics, diet and hygiene.

Do do the m? s com? n in the treatment of counter filled to the poblaci? poor n of pimpled is per? benzoyl oxide. Do do this compound qu? mico that gets rid of acne by drying the face is responsible for many of the billions of d? lares to pharmaceuticals of several millions of d? lares makes every? or. This is despite the fact that this substance can irritate the face and your acne be? m? s probably come when you are finished using it. Do do do do apart from this option? n popular, also are much m? costly s prescription medications that can choose to have and Su? to available for the cases m? extreme s even l? be.

Do given that these large companies generally foot bills of revenue from ads for most? of the principal means of communication? n, generally ignored the fact that there are safe and completely natural alternatives. A great all natural treatment for acne that you can? to be sitting on the windowsill of the window is Aloe Vera. This little character? features of plant green many friendly components of the skin and it has been used as a popular home remedy to treat many problems in the skin and injuries such as burns, rubs, cuts and insect bites.

The same soothing properties that bring relief of a sting or bite can also be used to relieve the inflamaci? n and the picaz? n that causes acne. Do do do the interior of the plant gel also contains much the polisac? string subsidies which are blocks of development? n that can help repair the skin gives? ada. On top of that, Aloe Vera contains large amounts of antioxidants of power: vitamin e. vitamin e is considered by many experts as your best friend of fur. Rub the gel inside the plant in its grain also help? to eliminate bacteria and excess oil and protect your skin from any future outbreak.


Treatment of natural grain - how to dispose of stubborn grains fast

Get rid of stubborn grain can be quite an experience. Do not because so many grain products in the marketplace today promising instant cure? nea. Do it is indisputable that some of these acne products really work, but it is not a soluci? n r? ask as promised. Get rid of grains take a while. However, it is encouraging that mother nature has given us effective treatment of grain in herbs and plants. The highest percentage of ingredients and materials used for medicines and acne products today are derived from plants and herbs. Cures and natural treatment are healthy, safe and mild skin without side effects. Treatment of natural grain may be what your acne skin is yearning for, if care you to give it a try.

The following are 7 treatments of natural grain that can help you to get rid of your stubborn grain r? ask.

Cucumber - cucumber has cooling properties? uncontained, which help to relieve and soothe the skin. Also help in the fight against the grain to reduce the inflamaci? n and the hinchaz? b.

Does aloe Vera - Aloe Vera may be called a miracle plant, because not s? cure it stubborn grains, but also reduces acne scars. Do reduces inflamaci? n of grains and hinchaz? n and ups of speed in the process of curaci? n of the skin.

Do Carb? n - carb? n is very effective in the treatment of stubborn grains. As one of the important properties or ingredients of mask, helps cure grain to absorb excess fat in the skin, which is caused by excess production? n of sebum, an important factor in individual sessions of grains.

Green tea - green tea is rich in antioxidants, which is essential to help the body to get rid of free radicals which are detrimental to the well-being. In the same way helps remove impurities from the body that can cause or cause acne. Also reduces the inflamaci? n and helps the body fight infections.

Do bark of willow - Willow Bark, a family of? salic acid? lico, is another treatment of natural grain that works. Willow bark relieved pain and discomforts caused or associated with grains. Also fight against infections of the skin and inflammation.

Vitamins - vitamins A, B, C and E, are effective natural grain treatment. Vitamin a is an antioxidant that regulates the perdon? n excess of sebum in the body. B vitamin is essential for a healthy skin. Vitamin c is an immune booster that helps the body fight bacteria and skin diseases. Do vitamin and heals and repairs the skin tissue, investing gives? to the cells of the skin.

Do oil of? tree of tea - oil of? tea tree is immensely popular in the treatment of acne, natural due to its antibacterial properties and anti fungal. Do oil of? tea tree cure and prevent that the grain as? as acne scars.

Do do do All?, if really want to get rid of their grain r? rapidly and sure, why not put it to use these natural grain handling options, be compensated? good for all the money and effort that has missed until now to try to get the proper treatment of grain without result.

Best clear skin foods - what to eat to prevent acne

Do this art? ass will show food m? s? tiles to clear skin - food that will give the body the vitamins and protein? nas you need.

If you look at the entire image, you find? that m? s important to avoid acne is to keep the food fat in their food. Also avoid fatty meals and stress in fruit and vegetables.

As one of the best clear skin foods are whole grains. They are really healthy and contain antioxidants. Do avoid peaks of insulin and they stabilize the az? car blood. If it is lower in az? car, is better!

The fruits are also considered as one of the best clear skin foods. If you eat green food, the results be? n better. Do do the fiber in avoids that the increase in az? car in the blood after eating, and this really help on the condition? agency all n.

Eating as many fish as you can! Is the best option? n If you want to have clear skin. Do if I have to be m? s spec? graphics, try to eat anchovies, mackerel, salm? n and sardines. Do these fish est? n providing the? cidos EPA and DHA (? do Eicosapentaenoic Acid and? Docosahexaenoic acid).

If you want to increase the power of these foods, eating some carrots, black grapes, beets and grenades.

And? last, if you want to take something healthy, I recommend drinking green tea. Maintaining grain in his face.

Does eating this avoid? you getting acne and provide? the skin and healthy body.

It is a stimulator of teenage acne of bread really?

Why eat loads of bread each day when you don't know what you can do for in addition to complying with your appetite? Adolescents who consume large amount of bread these days are more likely to get acne rather than adults. Studies show that acne comes in 60% of the 12 years of age and below and 95% of the 18 years of age & adolescents.

U.S. dermatologists have carried out several studies which confirm that the refined sugar, wheat and other grains, can raise insulin levels. Earlier studies may show that too much insulin may cause acne also these new low-carbohydrate diet are so popular now. It is possible that they can lead to Acne reduced for some individual sessions.

Loren Cordain of Colorado State University carried out an investigation and suggested that tides of insulin may be triggered easily digested refined bread. IGF-1, a similar to insulin growth factor, can occur as well. This combination of substances in the body can spike male hormones, which is known to create large amounts of sebum in the skin. Tallow, a thick substance that can accumulate in the pores of the skin, encourages bacterial growth responsible for acne.

Moreover, research has indicated a lack of acne among adolescents living in other parts of the world, where the food is largely unprocessed. Acne appeared only among the Inuit people of Alaska when people there went from their traditional food to a Western-style diet.

Dermatologists at the RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, are planning a major study to see if eating a diet low in carbohydrates can reduce the incidence of acne. The experiments will involve 60 teenage boys, it tracks over three months.

Dermatologists have seen lot of anecdotal evidence, when they had their patients to move to the low-carbohydrate diet. However, the Australian research is one of the first controlled studies to examine the effects of a diet low in carbohydrates in acne.


The best acne treatments: get rid of the acne

There are several products that may be the best treatments for acne depending on your situation.

Not all acne products will be the best acne treatments for you. For each individual, there will be something that works and doesn't work for you. Each time that you try to treat acne, you should consider carefully what options have, and then give them the best way to work. Acne is not fun and can be very stressful for many people young and old.

What products work?

There are two main types of products to be taken into account for the best treatment for acne. Firstly, it should be considered natural acne treatments as they can often be the best for your body around. They are usually full of necessary vitamins and minerals, and antioxidants and acids to help your body to fight infection. Natural products are often the products easier to use and for your body to tolerate.

Then you might want to consider treatment of acne that will help you through acne medications. These are chemicals and should only be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for the its. Once you use them, you will see in a few days or a week if they are working for you. Acne medications also can come from your doctor in the way of regulating hormone products as well as antibiotics to treat infections in the skin.

They have disappeared, but?

Once your acne begins to clarify is disappointed with the acne scars that are left behind. Before you start to worry about these, however, aware that you may be able to have acne scar made technical elimination. Some work through natural products others through chemistry. There are even elimination of fright of laser treatments that work very well for many individuals.

When you have acne, the best thing you can do to start controlling it is using the cleansing of acne and products for the care of the skin. Search for a good quality and even a natural skin care product to work for you. Then use the acne medications and natural treatments that it finds. You can find relief of their acne in this way and find the best acne treatment for you.

How to dispose of a rapid grain - 5, quick proven solutions that should be read in

Do do Hello compa? ero reader, thanks for taking the time to see the p? gina's profile. Do unfortunately, I won't write a complete profile of m? same as I am again...

?Do c? mo rid themselves of a grain r? ask? Is probably a question of millions of d? lares is asked by thousands of young people who want to get rid of that ugly grain which takes a devastating and suddenly appeared? a ma? ana. Internet est? full of ways to get rid of grains and often are confused about the best way to get rid of grains. This art? ass give you? the top 5 ways to get rid of grains r? Rapids.

?Do c? mo rid themselves of a grain r? ask? -Here? they are 5 proven techniques...

Do dospot treatment - choose a loci? n of good treatment t? peak or cream that ideally result? to contain ingredients called "do Per? benzoyl hydroxide" and "? do salic acid? lico". Do all manufacturers use their own compositions qu? micas and the best way of getting rid of a grain often be? need to experiment a little before that you can find the right product that work? best for you. Do if the type of person that s? the est? interested in completely natural products, try to apply oil of? tree of tea which has worked well for some people.Do dom? sulphur scara -find? m? masked of sulfur in pharmaceutical warehouses, as? as department stores. Some be? cheap n and some be? expensive. Choose a product that can afford and implement it in the Shin. Do do do when using a m? scara of sulphur, SEAGA? sure to read the instructions carefully as you want to leave this m? scara in s? as for the recommended time.Ice - this may be a good way of reducing this enormous grain before leaving. However, it has to be done the right thing. You can adjust some ice in a pa? or and apply it slightly on the grain for 30 seconds at a time. Giving an interval of one minute before applying ice for another 30 seconds. You can do this as you wish, but it is very important to provide that you rest between applications.Zap your grano-deber? visit to a dermat? logo for this method. This is where a team of high-frequency kills the bacteria that cause the grain. It can be costly, but can be very effective and some people do not mind paying the high fee to look good for an important event.Do doinjections - for unsightly grains that are huge and also painful, better be? to get it injected with cortisone diluted shot that reduces the inflamaci? n a d? a or two. In some cases, probably need? a cortisone all his strength to deal with grains really problem? ticos.

How to cure acne - an approach not nonsense to cure acne forever!

Hello. Do you need to cure your acne eh? It has also come to the right place. Before we start when we're going to cover...

?Who am I and why duty? to listen to m?

I am ten and Lawrence Park? former acne personality much like t?. Do I have tried pr? virtually every system of triple acne marks important ah?. Of Pro-activ to Acne to Exposed-free clean and take care, to name a few. It is, I've probably tried.

Do do my acne was finally healed after you buy and then through this system of truly? nica called Acne not m? s. Mike Walden, a medical researcher, nutritionist and who suffers from Acne former wrote the system and I has ense? ated much about the proper way to treat acne. [Do I myself could? calling a little expert on this subject;]

Having said that, not am ning? medical certificate n or anything but I am still? insurance of my experience and knowledge on the subject of acne, acne scars and other skin care problems will serve well. ?[But is that the judge that accept:]?

Let's start.

Have you been mirndi?

What I do is throw all TV ads, ad magazine, and radio right of brainwashing of ads in the toilet. Empty too [insert expletive]! I say now that there is no soluci? n r? ask. S? do you treat r? rapidly grains, but when it comes, if you want to get rid of the disease than est? Acne, you need a change of mentality.

It is precisely all ads telling me that I could use some t? peak triple system (on the skin) to treat my acne that prolongs the suffering for months! Before you accept the fact that the cause of acne is from the inside before be? on his way to cure acne for good.

ACE? You can do that? c? mo going about cure acne?

Do do go into detail on the detr science? s of the following protocols est? outside the scope of this art? ass. But the rest asegur? that each protocol personally use and is based on several principles in the system of acne not m? s.

One of the first things you need to do is start to strengthen, desintoxicaci? n and cleaning of your internal system. Do the first thing I do is that the h? bito take a good pro bi? tica. I recommend defense Primal Garden of life. To continuaci? n want to go and buy some desintoxicaci? n tea in your supermarket or local health store.

Drink two glasses to d? at. But I want to do is this. Get a cup of boiling water and place the bag of tea in it for 15 minutes before drinking. Do after this Cup are going to want to keep the bag of tea to make a cup m? s late. The second beer is the m? strong s and m? s effective to your body.

Do do you are going to also want to drink a glass of water of lim? n each ma? ana first thing than when awake. You can get bottles of juice of lim? n in any supermarket. Everything you want to do is pour a few teaspoons in a cup of water and drink each ma? ana.

Do do the rest of the protocols must not give a description? n s? write it a daily programme which to continuaci? n

Programaci? n daily of domestic health supplement

Do do do Ma? ana (as soon as you wake up): glass of water of lim? n + one serving pro bi? ticos

Do 30 minutes m? s late: p? ldora of garlic (reward nature creates a free smell of garlic p? ldoras).

Twice by d? a: desintoxicaci? n tea (using the same bag of tea above)

Does enter the h? bito drink a lot and eat many vegetables. M? s better colors (carrots, cabbage, spinach, etc.).

It's about external skin care

Before him, I want to be clear about the fact that external skin is a very minor acne cause. Is it really f? cil understand how external factors can cause acne. Dirt, bacteria, oils, dead cells or which obstructs the pores and your body responds by breaking. But the reality is that it does not take much to keep clean your outer skin.

Use any nice facelift. Do do experiment and find what you like the best, but do not use anything with per? benzoyl hydroxide or? salic acid? Lycus. Do do do those two things are AIDS band shit that stop working as soon as you stop using them and usually s? worsen it your condition? n desecaci? n of your skin and making it m? s fat.

Do wash the face gently and remember loci? n! "A healthy skin is hydrated skin!" Remember that the objectives for the care of the outer skin are (a) keep external factors such as dust and dirt away (b) keep the skin hydrated. Do any deep clean wash and loci? free of petr n? leo should do the trick. (c) regularly to exfoliate the skin as dead skin cells do not accumulate and block the pores. (Do I use the part microdermabrasi? n (step 1) for treatment of Zenmed scar once a week on Sunday).

All this said, do not forget that the internal system health state is what causes acne. When a domestic system est? do outside the piggy bank (do hormones are unbalanced, lack of bacteria of est? healthy magician, etc) to continuaci? n, you are in a position? likely n to breakout.

When a domestic system est? in a healthy state, individual sessions are impossible given (literally) keep clean your outer skin.

Do do not m acne system? s Mike Walden covers exactly c? mo put its internal to this healthy state system.


Healthy lifestyles can fight acne

If you are seriously interested in learning about acne, you should think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a look at the things you need to know about acne.

This information is simple. Be sure not to lose important acne information slip by you.

I am sure that each of you are familiar with acne. Almost all of us have this disorder of the skin, right? Well, technically known as Acne Vulgaris, skin disorder affects millions of people of different professions, annually. Studies have found that the majority of adolescents are the usual disease destination, although also affected children and adults. It is even that nearly 80 per cent of adolescents develop acne, especially for women.

What is acne?

According to certain studies, acne varies from very mild to severe tremendously. Normally it is formed when the lining of the skin of duct, as well as sebaceous glands start working overtime. With the appearance of acne, the lining of the tube really shed cells, then transported away in the shell of the skin by the sebum. Once the Canal is blocked, it is when the tallow and the cells begin to accumulate, forming a plug called a comedo.

Once the plug is kept below the level of the skin, it produces hairy or "closed I comedo". If the outlet increases and shows of the channels of the skin, called "open comedo" or blackhead from the top it is dark. As you know, this is not absolutely dirt, not clean.

There are many factors that contribute to the formation of acne, but in terms of its real cause, no one is really sure as to what exactly does acne develop or why begins in adolescence. However, the factor as hereditary top the list. For a long time been considered the most important factor that plays an important role in the development of acne. As what I think most people, if a member of his family had acne, there is a great chance to be acne.

Although acne is very common among teenagers, acne should not control his life. There are many ways to fight against acne, and one of those is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle changes experts have said that when a person for acne treatment, is the only way to get results of effective treatments through several changes of healthy lifestyle. When I say "healthy lifestyle changes", including the form of eating, sleeping, working, playing, etc.. As much as possible, should try to focus on all areas which need changing. This is very important to ensure that a sustained to complete effort. If your goal is to treat acne bothering, try to treat your car around as many forms as possible.

Overcome stress one of the most common dilemmas faced by the people is the stress. Emphasize that it is not normal. So, what happens when the body gets too stressed? Experts have found that in this case, the adrenal cortex makes adrenal androgens testosterone hormone which in turn is overactive sebaceous glands in men and women. As you are outside, the ovaries of women are capable of producing 25% of testosterone, while 75 per cent of the hormone comes from adrenal androgens.

When there is emphasis on the body of man and woman, are released more androgen adrenal, causing a double of the amount of testosterone. This effect of duplication that causes the area is t of the face to be oily, while other areas are even more dried dehydration. Also note that adult acne is sometimes the byproduct of stress and dehydration. And water and estrogen are factors which soothe the stress of body alarm system.

Now you can be an expert in insurance of acne. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table the next time that binds to a discussion on acne.

Get rid of blackheads course - see the best way to do it!

Get rid of blackheads, of course, is one of the best ways to cure acne. Do if you suffer from, then you may already know that the lotions and the p? ldoras do not help, or if they help, are affected by side effects.

That is why the natural form is always preferred - permanent results and side effects is not what you get with it. A way of getting rid of blackheads course is treating the skin with some methods that include steam or m? different masked in the skin of the face. Here? There are some tips on these methods: the steam is a way to very com? n to open the pores and cleanse the skin. Another way is if they make a m? pl skin scara? tano. Also should try to make a m? scara of eggs and honey. Do these methods are free and f? ciles, but its result in the greatest? of times may be temporary.

If you want to get rid of blackheads permanently, consider the possibility of changing their meals. The key to success in the battle with acne is eating well. Does this mean to eat m? s good and least bad food. You can start with eating fruits and vegetables, particularly to those containing vitamin e. Do do foods include peanuts, br? coli, almonds and much m? s.

Do we need to understand to cure acne, you do not have the s? treat it the skin, but you have to treat your body right - d? stating the vitamins you need. That is the key to naturally eliminate blackheads.

Get a prescription for the treatment of acne

Some people have acne so intense that it is necessary to seek professional help. For some people, you should see a dermatologist to help with this annoying problem. When they go to the dermatologist to get help, sometimes recommend an acne medication prescribed to help with the problem.

There are many medicines prescription that are used today to help treat acne. Most of them applied to the skin and is used for mild to severe acne. However, there are other methods of treatment of acne from the inside and require an oral method of medications for acne. This is important for people who have extensive acne problems that kept getting worse instead of better.

There are some dermatologists using therapy to help control acne problem for some of their patients. So therefore acne must be so severe and intense that there are no other methods of work of treatment or if the patient and the acne does not respond to any other form of treatment.

There are also medications for acne that are taken by mouth. He is antibiotic that a patient has to take in a manner regulated in order to help control acne. The doses are usually start high and then decrease as it is turning into cash.

There are injections which can be a form of acne medication. This is used to treat severe acne and help prevent scarring. Again, this method is used for people with very severe acne and no other method of treatment is working for their benefit.

Many women use oral contraceptives to help control your acne. This medicine is or acne affects hormones in a woman's body and will decrease the chance of them having acne. This is a great idea for women who have acne problem and want to take a contraceptive at the same time. However, there are some women, which has the opposite effect.

There are a variety of different creams and ointments to use for the treatment of acne, as well. These are both found in the store and sold as recipes. More intense creams and ointments are prescribed and cost more. When you have a complex form of acne that is difficult to treat, that is when it is necessary to use prescription medications.

It's all to the person with acne if you think that you seek professional help for your medications for acne or not. Know when already not can take into account the problem and need help.


Help your teenager dealing with acne

As a common condition of the skin, acne has the power to dramatically affect the life of a teenager. It is estimated that 85% of adolescents have acne. Even though adults know the acne will happen, this is little consolation to the teenager who suffers from shame, worry, decreasing depression confidence or even as a result. As parents must serve as a support, but it is not enough. Parents must provide information and guidance on how to treat acne. In most cases treatment can radically reduce the effects of acne.

Unfortunately, acne does not have a "one-cure-is adjustment to all" solution. There are many types of acne, treatable by even more types of methods. It is important for you to help determine what your teen is experiencing to help make the right under the direction of treatment decisions. New drugs have been developed since they were teenagers. What worked for us may not work for young people today. The best news is that most common conditions of Acne can be easily controlled even if it is not completely healed.

Your teen, no doubt, is trying to all conceivable to control your acne. It is important to remember even if your teen is not asking for his help, he still wants to. Provide support to bring his son teenager, not accusatory. Myths about fatty foods, chocolate or sex causing acne have proven to be false. Even discuss their personal experiences with Acne can help minimize the stressful for his teenage son and help "humanize" him so it is easier to discuss it.

It is also advisable to advise your teen that most adolescents suffer from acné-no they are alone. 85% Of children inflicted with acne, 40% of the cases are so severe that they need professional treatment by a dermatologist.

It is prudent to consult with a dermatologist to reassure your teen. Although the spots on the skin of your teenager likely acne, there are potential condition might be something else. A dermatologist can give you a definitive, with so many options of treatment diagnosis as possible.

If your teen has tried some over-the-counter medications with little or no success, encouraged to seek the advice of a dermatologist. A dermatologist may recommend an ointment AC, only prescription, lotion or even oral medication to help clarify the status and offer relief of physical discomfort.

Most importantly, remind your teen that acne does not last forever. When a teenager approaches to their early 20s, acne should become a thing of the past.

Hormones and acne: the Real Deal

Hormones and acne always seem to be associated with each other. Hormones are the leading cause of teenage acne because these hormonal changes during puberty cause various reactions f? images.

This is why teenagers are m? s prone to individual sessions than adults of the skin. When adults experience such individual sessions, this is called hormonal acne, which is a result of hormonal imbalance.

The culprit is a group of hormones, known as the andr? genos - "acne hormone". Do these andr? genos, testosterone appears to be m? s closely related to acne.

Do do explicaci? n detr? s of the relationship? n of hormones and acne is quite simple. Do do the endocrine system produces excessive amounts of andr? genos that cause hyperactivity in the gl? ndulas seb? ceas. As result, a superproducci? n of a waxy substance called sebum is produced in the pores of the skin. The result of the obstrucci? n of pores and outbreaks of acne.

Men and women produce andr? genos, but there are levels generally higher in men than in women. Do part of the raz? n why both sexes experience individual sessions of acne is due to the fact that their bodies produce andr? genos during puberty.

Do do on the other hand, hormonal acne in adult women, can be caused by the s? poliqu ovary syndrome? stico, where women experience increase in growth of facial and body hair, as? as of the thinning scalp. These are all due to changes metab? MICS and per? irregular ears. Do do you can administer a test to see if level andr? genos is high and therefore a continuaci? n, you can? an be the cause of the problem of acne.

Causes of the Hormonal imbalance

Do do there are several causes of hormone imbalance in women, but the n? kernel of the problem lies in what is known as the domain of estr? geno - too estr? geno and not enough progesterone present in the body. This is, probably, why women are m? s susceptible to grain during most of their lives. Women's bodies are subject to many changes dram? ticos, including puberty, the menstrual cycle, menopause and pregnancy.

Hormones and acne: balance is the key

Unfortunately, the eldest? treatments medical hormonal acne focused simply trying to artificially balance the hormones without really want to establish what causes an imbalance of such in the first place. This is the raz? n why the p? ldoras contraceptive are popular in the treatment of the hormonal acne; It is to balance the hormones in the body and prevents individual sessions.

Note that there are many factors that consider maintain a hormonal imbalance. Options of lifestyle, food intake, stress and composici? genetic n are s? what some of them. All this should be considered if you want to actually get rid of your acne.

3. Main myths about severe cystic acne

Do do many acne sufferers feel desperate when they think having acne qu? severe stico during a? os. When they find something that gives birth to his problem, eagerly want to prove it. Do unfortunately, when begin to apply the treatment, est? n depressed like never before.

What lead them to this contradictory behavior are some myths in their heads who believe that, in spite of aren't true. I found these myths that blame for the lack of confidence in many sufferers of acne. These myths blocking their way to clear the skin.

In this art? ass, I agree with top 3 myths about acne qu? stico that can keep you down. These myths, if you really think, har? do do your severe acne qu? stico last m? s time than you think. Unless they destroy these myths of your mind, mantendr? your acne pr? next to? you.

Myth # 1 - "Do it"

It is a general belief that aren't able to cure the acne qu? stico no matter what you do. This myth originated in frustraci? n turn due to the continued failure of many treatments that have proven.

Soluci? n Are aware that each problem has its own soluci? b. It is rid? ass if you think that acne is not curable, in reality, thousands of acne sufferers are able to heal even acne m? s large.

Myth # 2-"do not need treatment outside treatments t? peaks"

Does the myth usually originates in constant if of various of the advertisements of counter that you see every d?; do do do the promise of a soluci? n r? ask and c? modamente to clear your acne. Do do suggests s? the treatment t? peak "law" is capable of really cure your acne qu? stico severe.

Soluci? n We know that it is not an external problem. The problem of acne originates from the inside of his body. Do do do therefore treatments t? peaks s? bring it? relief for your skin problem. In fact, you don't need brief relief for your problem. Need a soluci? n standing for your problem.

Myth # 3-"food do not have any relationship? n with Acne"

Is this a myth that sound? rid? ass for any former patient of acne. Do normally, this myth originates in information? n false about acne and huge ads. Do do if you think that this myth, you eat any food without pens? rselo twice and asked? introducing by what still? to has many individual sessions.

Soluci? n Do remember that foods have a strong relationship? n with your acne. His acne problem and its persistence can be related primarily to the bad habit of diet. If you can break this myth, you eat foods that feed and heal the skin.

Do believe with these 3 myths about acne qu? stico severe, are prevented from having clear skin you've always wanted. Do s? as for breaking the myths of the mind, you can? do take the clear skin which is always your sue? or.

?Do want to find m? s?

Do click here? do for m? s information? n to cure acne naturally.

In reality, is a secret of little-known quietly used by tens of thousands of people on c? mo remove grain safely, r? ask and permanent. I think that it is better to extract it. Is it here? There are no medicines and other products which is increasingly used in this system. I don't think that's a better way to get rid of grains as good as this. But, let him be the judge. Do check to discover the secret of system of cure of powerful natural acne that guaranteed to cure your acne r? rapidly and permanently.

Do Art? ass source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jake_Tama


Topical over-the-counter medications for Acne

In the first phase of the ongoing war with acne, the majority of people go to a pharmacy to buy an over-the-counter drug. There are many treatments available for acne, which can be a complicated decision. Advice from friends is not a reliable method for making a choice, because what worked for one person may not work for another. And advice of advertising? Does relying on?

You can make a more informed choice about which product to treat only know about the active ingredients in various medications for acne.

Benzoyl peroxide 1 of the ingredients most popular medications for acne, benzoyl peroxide is available in gels and ointments. It kills the bacteria causing grain and helps eliminate dead cells of the skin that accumulates on the surface of the skin. These dead cells of the skin, when combined with sebum (oil), create points black and hairy. Dry skin is the only side effect, which can be reduced to a minimum with less frequent application. It has an effect of discoloration, so avoid the hair and clothes when applying it.

Salicylic acid is an ingredient of popular acne that removes dead cells that obstruct the pores of the skin. Necessary to prevent outbreaks of acne is continued even after the skin has clarified future. Once again, the side effect is dry, the skin irritation.

Resorcinol Resorcinol makes the layer above of the skin to peel, that eliminate the dead skin cells that obstruct the pores. It is often combined with sulfur.

Sulphur due to a strong smelling, sulfur often is combined with other ingredients. Its operation is unknown, but it is used effectively for decades. Sulfur is often combined with salicylate acid and benzoyl peroxide.

Products of all these ingredients, benzoyl peroxide is probably the most versatile. You can do in cleaning fluids, bars, gels, lotions and cream, all which are directly applied to the skin. Cleaning products are usually used one or two times daily, with creams and lotions applied as necessary. They are most effective when he rubbed the area surrounding acne, as well as the grains themselves.

It is always a good idea to discuss acne with a doctor before self-treating with any of these medications. Although acne is a quite harmless condition, a physician often can offer best suggestions and explain the best way to handle their status based on their particular type of acne.

The RegardingTeens really all with acne

Adolescents are the age group most common suffering from acne. Androgen, a hormone that begins production in puberty, is one of the main causes of acne. Unfortunately for men, they tend to produce more androgen and develop more severe than the female acne. Oils extras that contribute to acne, also occur in puberty. These oils mixed with Earth and dead skin cells cause the obstruction of pores that cause acne. Some women will have break-outs at the time of her monthly period. This is caused by hormonal changes caused by menstruation. Fortunately for women with hormonal break-outs, birth control can help maintain a constant level of hormones.

A common misconception about teens with acne is that they have poor hygiene or eat many fatty foods. This is only a myth and proves false for the majority of the people. Wash your face twice a day, especially after exercise, to get rid of excess oil. Avoid strong soaps that can irritate and damage the skin. Never choose her face because this could lead to increased irritation and scars of life.

Stress can be a cause of acne for teenagers. Unfortunately, this is an inevitably stressful phase of life. Adolescents with acne suffer the emotional side of acne as well as the physical side. His face is the first thing most people see when looking at you. Low self-esteem is a problem that almost all adolescents with acne is battle with. Depression about Acne can cause the withdrawal of social interactions, assistance to the decrease in the school and general avoidance of family and friends. Some teens develop social phobia that can interfere with every aspect of daily life some adolescents with acne decide to buy cleaners clichés of the store when it launches for the first time to develop acne. Sensitive skin don't react well to treatments more without a prescription. It can cause itching, redness, burning, and general deterioration of the condition. If acne is not resolved until after a few weeks of use, you should consult a dermatologist. He may prescribe an effective antibiotic that is more suited to the individual problem. All skin if it is different, so it may take more than an attempt to find what is right for you.

Common treatments suggested for teens with acne are Retinoids and benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide kills acne causing bacteria and is used topically. Retinoids, such as Accutaine or Accutane, relieves pores and contributes to the process of renewal of the skin. There are side effects with the use of retinoids, such as depression, which is why the use is closely monitored by a dermatologist.

Acne is not the end of the world. It is completely normal and so common that people really do not look down others for not having the perfect skin. Some teens with acne grow from it rather than finish high school. Others will grow from it when they reach adulthood. Almost all cases of Acne can be treated effectively and if it is acne scars, there are treatments available to rebuild the softness of the skin.

Acne lotion for the treatment of acne

There are several types of acne lotions available to treat acne. These lotions provide immediate acne patients relief and be very effective. Do do Est? n available in various forms to the skin soft and bright and these lotions not dry the skin, in comparison? n with other acne products. Some of them are:-

Can do per? oxide of benzoyl loci? n

Do do do before applying this loci? n, the? affected area should be washed with water and jab? n not medicated or with a mild cleaner and do dry with a towel. Do to continuaci? n, the loci? n must be applied to the affected area and rub it gently. Do do do the loci? n should be applied by adults and the or? you about 1-4 times to d? to.

Do do do do if dryness or peeling occurs by this loci? n, reduce the application? this loci n? n once a d? a. proves to be very effective and shows the same results as treatment with antibi? ticos.

Loci? n glycolic

Do do skin appearance improvement by applying this loci? n and repairs the skin with m? s? I caused by acne and it should be avoided by the eyes.

Loci? Glytone n

Do do do it contains ingredients such as purified water, glycerin,? acid s? rbico, extract of Rosa, hydraulic? potassium hydroxide and? salic acid? Lycus. This loci? n can be placed at the tip of the toes and applied to the skin clean and dry to remove acne and makes the skin smooth and soft. It can be applied daily in the ma? ana and night.

Do do shield Sun d? to loci? n

Before applying this loci? n, skin should be carefully cleaned. Do do apply the loci? n before the one? n del sol and in the face, neck and other areas with acne affects every ma? ana and not must be used by the or? you under the age of 6 to? you.

Loci? n Control of acne overnight

Do do after cleansing the skin, apply the loci? n in the? rea affected with acne in the form of a thin layer and leave overnight to make it dry and wash it in the ma? ana. If excessive drying occurs, reduce the application? n of the loci? b.

Loci? n of drying end-Zit

Is a loci? n medicated to est? you are formulated to treat acne and r? rapidly dries the skin. It should be applied directly on acne.

Do meat polarized loci? n of treatment of acne

Est? formulated to penetrate the pores to control acne, blackheads and whiteheads and clarifies the skin and prevents the formaci? n of new acne.

Loci? n of acne BB & B

Do do do do do is an l? clear relaxing liquid loci? n containing ingredients such as? benzoic acid,? salic acid? lico which prevents the formaci? n of acne and not cause side effects or irritaci? n in the skin.


What is laser acne treatment?

Acne laser treatment is a method that has helped millions of people to get rid of acne. Each year, individuals find out that the most of the over-the-counter medications they receive at your local store for fair drug do not provide enough help to them. They have probably tried several products and can not find the method to get rid of acne. Acne laser treatment can really help stop acne once for all to many individuals.

How does it work?

Acne laser treatment is just what it sounds like. The technician will use a very small and powerful laser to trigger acne effectively. Generally speaking, the procedure will be because the acne is that it caused, at least in part, above the production of oils in the skin. The laser will get to these glands under the skin and causing that you oils and destroy. While this seems harsh, laser acne treatment is virtually painless. There are no ramifications to consider these glands destruction either. A time glands to stop the production of oils, the bacteria that causes acne will not have an optimal place to grow. This in turn actually stops acne.

It is important to know that in most cases acne treatments will be necessary not cure acne that is already in your face or body. This is usually done with antibiotics. Once the oils slow down or stop, however, there will be fewer outbreaks of acne on the face or the body once they heal.

The scar treatment alternative to the use of laser acne treatment is that where the scars left by Acne can be eliminated. This very powerful laser can actually remove the upper layers in the SCAR and skin closely. When the new round skin grows, it is healthy and scars are well past or they are not as visible. Acne scar laser treatment is becoming a way of getting rid of the acne scars that have spent years in a person's body.

In any treatment, laser acne treatment can be very effective. In some cases, there will be the need for various treatments which do, however. The bad part of laser acne treatment is only that it is not necessarily cheap. With the various treatments that may be needed, it can be very expensive. However, even with, he said, the results of the laser treatments are incredible for many.

My facts of acne and conclusions the cause Real

Fifteen years with almost all available solutions oral and topical acne treatment, different treatments, without success, enforced me to search for a direct cause of acne.

My facts and conclusions:

1. The hormones are chemicals that regulate all functions in the body human (say organs and cells what to do)

2. In the human body there are several hormones, but for acne, we are interested in testosterone (androgens)

3. The most active of androgens are testosterone, precisely 5-testosterone (DHT) and control the production of sebum. Too much sebum leads to the formation of acne. Why not we have acne before puberty? Simply because the formation of testosterone begins during puberty.

4. Other hormones can also aggravate acne, but are not the direct cause.Example: stress situations, when our body produce the hormone called glucocorticosteroids.

5. Direct because of acne is not: food, stress, lack of hygiene, vitamins and bacteries in our skin. Bacteries are only last player in our history.Even hormones are not the direct cause.

The direct cause of acne is a HORMONAL IMBALANCE in the first place and toxins in our body in second place.

This is my list of major acne causes:

Complex combination of causes of failure of prostaglandin > insufficiency of prostaglandins > Hormonal imbalance > liver may not remove all these hormones and send it to the skin > acne

As you can see, the liver's health is very important.

What the hell is prostaglandin, you ask? The messengers, or communicators between the cells and hormones are called prostaglandins and without them there will be no communication between cells and their hormones. When there is no communication, hormones will be out of balance. Prostaglandins are biochemical products that communicate with hormones and cells and cells of trigger in action. Prostaglandins work within cells and help regulate the function of cells and organs through the communication of cells and hormones. Prostaglandins make sure that their hormones of androgens are in balance, as they regulate your hormones so that only the right amount of sebum will be produced by the glands of the skin oil and thus prevent excessive amounts of the production of sebum that leads to acne.

6 Why is there not enough number of prostaglandins in our bodies? Because we don't have any sufficient GLA-gamma-linnolenic acid, which is the main precursor of prostaglandins. GLA is a special fatty acid that since the body cannot produce prostaglandins. GLA is made from LA-linolenic acid, which will take us through the various foods. The main problem is the inability of the body to convert the GLA, due to the habits of stress.bad, food, alcohol, lack of vitamins, etc. (if we do not have sufficient GLA, our body cannot produce the prostaglandins, which regulate the hormones).

7. What happens when we are out of prostaglandins? Hormonal imbalance! If there is an over - load of hormones in your body, the liver may have problems to eliminate them.Liver sends to hormones overbalanced our skin in the form of acne! Therefore, strong liver is essential for all those suffering from Acne!

8 What is the ultimate solution for Acne? Response is the restoration of hormonal balance and make her stronger liver. This can be done not with topical and oral medications. It can be done with herbs and their extracts in tablet form. GLA is the main ingredient in Omega 6 fatty acids. EPA and DHA is better absorbed along with other fatty acids.

Source Naturals EFA ArcticPure fish oil contains: essential fatty acids EPA and DHA GLA

Evening primrose oil is an oil rich in essential fatty acids, polyunsaturated fats that are essential to the maintenance of good health such as vitamins and minerals. The oil contains linolenic acid from 74 per cent (the) and 8-10% gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Although other oils such as oil of Borage and black currant oil contain higher amounts of GLA, evening primrose oil is by far the most popular and familiar of this fatty acid source.

Some herbs to their stronger liver. Thistle dairy is known. more information on this topic in my blog


Advice for those seeking a cure for Acne

Do do many adolescents suffer from an afecci? n cut? nea com? n known as acne. Acne generally occurs on the face, back and neck. Although there are several products that are intended to be a cure for acne, you need to know what suits your skin the best. There are many types of envelope treatments of counter in the market. But we must be very careful to buy them. Do some of them may contain certain ingredients qu? monkeys that could? an da? ar skin. ACE? to check the list of ingredients and ensure that there is no ning? n harmful element.

The best is to use natural ingredients or natural methods for best results. Not obtendr? also side effects. Do one of the ways m? s simple is to use ingredients available in your home. A m? scara of honey is very effective for the treatment of acne. You can apply this m? scara at least twice a week to get better results. Do the antibacterial properties of honey are very? tiles for the desinfecci? n and curaci? n imperfections. It is too gentle on sensitive skin.

It is also very beneficial to use soap for acne. Acne based sulfur soaps are a very effective treatment. Do can use two times to d? a for washing the face, once in the ma? ana and second, before going to bed. Do use the jab? n gently without any presi? n or by using a scrub. Do not abuse them because a can stimulate the production? n from tallow which induces to Barros. Although they cannot be a "cure for Acne" complete, they are very effective.

Sometimes, your skin is prone to Acne due to the lack of certain vitamins. Do if the skin does not receive all the necessary nutrients usually strikes back by producing m? s tallow, obstrucci? n pores and reduce the ability of skin to combat bacteria. ACE? supplementing the diet with a powerful multi-vitamin so that the skin receives all the vital nutrients.

Vitamin to it is also very important and strengthens your skin to prevent acne. Also reduces the perdon? n of tallow. Beta carotene or vitamin a est? available in abundance in carrots. ACE? that included a mont? n of carrots in their diet. The vitamin is essential for the maintenance and reparaci? n of the tissues of the skin. It is also a strong antioxidant.

If you have some grains in the face to avoid collecting them. This s? increase it? the infecci? n and produce m? s. If est? accustomed to wearing makeup wash before going to bed. Otherwise can clog pores and cause m? s Barros and blackheads. Use a clean pillowcase every d? at. Does do a sleeve can absorb oil and dirt from the skin that can cause once m? s the formaci? n of grains. Following these tips can keep your skin healthy and beautiful. And while it's not a complete cure for acne, no doubt improve? your skin and reduce the incidence.


Elimination of scars of acne and health insurance

The actions required in the removal of acne scars can be expensive. Depending on the severity and amount of healing, several treatments may be needed to effectively reduce the lasting effects of acne to. The problem faced by many sufferers is to find a way to pay for the removal of acne scars if your health insurance does not cover the cost of treatment.

Due to the removal of acne scars can be considered, by some insurance providers, a cosmetic procedure, can be difficult to obtain approval. If you are considering a procedure that will help in the removal of acne scars, is the best way to find out if your insurance covers this type of treatment review its policy. If your insurance is provided through your employer or obtained directly from an insurance provider, you must have a detailed overview of your coverage. Many providers do not cover the cost of cosmetic treatments or surgeries, which often are considered plastic surgery or cosmetic. If you still have questions after reviewing its policy, call your insurance agent to find out about coverage.

If the coverage is concerned, it can help to have your doctor provide a recommendation in writing to your insurance company. This letter must include the name of your doctor, contact information and your determination and recommendation with respect to the treatment to aid in the removal of acne scars. Once this letter is presented to your insurance company, you must give a response within 30 days. This may be the doctor directly, or to you, but the insurance company will respond with an acceptance or refusal.

In the event that it refuses to request you for medical insurance coverage relating to the removal of acne scars, can still have other options. For example, if your condition warrants surgery with laser for the removal of acne scars, the hospital can offer a payment plan to help cover the cost of the procedure. Many hospitals offer this type of financing to help pay for a treatment that otherwise is not available to them due to lack of health insurance to the patient. In order to grant a payment plan, would have to determine whether or not available. It is in the Office of the hospital billing. If available payment plans, your doctor should determine a total cost for the removal of acne scars and will provide it to the Office of billing. After the procedure, the hospital would issue a draft law and, if you are registered on a payment plan, would give him the opportunity to make low monthly payments.

The information in this article is intended to only informational purposes. It should not be used instead of, or in combination with professional medical advice. Before starting any attempt of elimination of acne scars, individuals should consult with your dermatologist for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Factors to consider when buying hearing aids

There are a number of factors to consider when buying hearing aids. Below is a list of seven factors to consider:

Severity of hearing loss

This is one of the most important factors to consider is the nature and severity of their hearing loss. The hearing professional can help you to understand their unique characteristics of loss and explain models that adapt to your needs. This may involve carrying out a series of hearing tests to determine the extent of hearing loss and the most suitable product.


It is important to think, lifestyle of the and when the hearing aid to be used. What are the things to do is the most affected by the loss of hearing? Does it makes you prevent from carrying out certain tasks or activities of hearing? Do hearing loss carry out their work? Discuss your needs with the hearing expert who can recommend products that fit your lifestyle



The sound quality is perhaps the most important consideration. With advances in digital headphones the sound quality can often be fined based on your needs. Again the expert of the audience can help you assess the level of sophistication you need based on a number of issues.


Hearing aids are now often very small and discrete. However, if your sight or dexterity is less than what they used to be, in fact it can matter size. As vey small hearing aid can be complicated for the control. As an alternative, some new instruments adjusted automatically or by remote control.


Hearing aids now come in a variety of sizes, from tiny, completely-in-the-canal models that sit behind the ear. Many people are too worried about the appearance, and it should be remembered that others will be much less aware of the help you. The majority of hearing aids are quite discrete. Take into account the functionality and the improvement in auditory appearance, rather than just.

The ear

The size and shape of your outer ear and ear canal can also influence the selection of a hearing aid. For example, if the channel is extremely narrow, in the canal AIDS it cannot work for you. The hearing professional will help determine what hearing aid options are appropriate for you.

An ear or two ears?

Two ears are better that one, since the binaural hearing, or dos-oído, is what helps us determine where sounds are coming from and to more easily distinguish between sounds competing. If you have a hearing loss in one ear only, it is possible that fine with hearing aids. Age related and noise with hearing loss tend to affect both ears, but his profile of audience for each ear is probably different. If there is a loss in both ears, then, you will most benefit with a binaural approach. In addition, some of the benefits of digital technology require two hearing aids.

Today, about two thirds of new buyers opt for double of hearing aids, and as a group, report of a higher level of satisfaction that only aid buyers. Discuss the pros and cons with its professional audience.

What to eat for glossy skin? See more healthy foods for skin

What to eat to bright skin is a cuesti? n that worries many of us who have skin problems. Do do do you know, as the? rgano m? s of the body, the skin can have the same benefits as our heart? n and others? organs of good food. That is why it is very important to know what to eat for shiny skin.

First of all, is really important to eat foods that have lots of protein? nas, minerals and some vitamins like vitamin e for example.

Try to eat at least 2 or 3 ounces, bread, cereals or pasta. The m? s important here? It is to avoid fatty foods.

Of course there are to eat m? s of fruits and vegetables, if bright skin. You can try the range of fresh fruit and perhaps attention? n the dark green fruits and the oranges.

Another thing to keep in mind is to eat foods rich in calcium. You can start with low-fat or fat-free milk, it is really healthy if consumed constantly.

Of course, don't forget the meat! It is one of the main resources of protein? nas. Try to keep your food of fat in their food. Focus on the meat low fat as chicken and also eat fish!

Do do s? follow you this regime on a couple of months and assure him to do? the results! Do of course, you might need some Gu? a c? mo exactly build your meals, but that is not a problem, since there is such a great variety of options.


Five more cheap home resources for blackheads

Do home remedies for black points often work perfectly - or better - remedies its dermat blackhead? logo. Here? est? do do the thing: dermat? logos est? n in the business for the care of the skin of large sums of money makes. Not to think twice before prescribe a treatment of 100 d lares per month which may or may not work for his Shins. They do not tell is that many natural ingredients have the same impact - and they cost much less adem? s

This is some ideas to start right. These home remedies for pimples can be usually found in your refrigerator or Cabinet. If not is ACE?, make a trip to the grocery store and pick up something good to eat at the same time!

Do do1. lim juice? n: lim juice? n is used for many things. Do do of bleaching the hair to lighten the freckles, the? acid in the juice of lim? n tends to have a profound effect of beauty. The same applies to its use as a blackhead remedy. Do do do squeeze some juice Lim? n in a ball of algod? n and continuaci? n, lo de difamaci? n on their Shins. Does for the effect of amplificaci? n, mix it with a little honey and continuaci? n, clean up after 15 minutes.

Do do do do do2. honey org? nica: you pick up a bottle of honey org? nica in the secci? n org? nica and natural of your local supermarket or market products org? nicos. Do some of the black spots of difamaci? n, let it sit for 15 minutes and to continuaci? n, clarifies it.

Do do3. oil of? tea tree: oil of? tea tree eliminates many problems of "black" skin, such as the black warts and pimples. Absorb a bit about their shins and let dry. There is no need to wash. Do this resource, which is one of the m? s effective home remedies for blackheads, work? the tallow obstrucci? n of the pores, removing the blackish appearance of holes in the skin.

Do4. tomato pulp:? acid stuff actually works quite well as a resource of blackhead. Do tomato juice is not any number? n. Recolocaci? n some pulp of tomato in black spots, and continuaci? n, clarifies after several minutes. Do always use lukewarm water and a pa? or soft and clean the washing of the resources of blackhead.

Do do do do do5. Witch Hazel: witch hazel has been known to calm a mont? n of skin, especially those due to the irritaci problems? n. Hamamelis dry on her own, so not act? as a m? eliminaci scara? n of blackhead as the previous home remedies for black spots. Do do to apply, flooding a pad of algod? n of ball or algod? n in Witch Hazel l? liquid. Do does absorb it all their pimples and continuaci? n, throw the ball in algod? b. Does this help? to dry the pores and improve the appearance of the skin.

When you are done with one of these treatments, you can use a tool of eliminaci? n of blackhead to extract comedones. Do do this is? til for the pores that do not respond as you like? a after the m? scara. Do sometimes blackhead s? the est? stuck and need a little help from you for free. Do go to the skin with a soft touch, or you can? to obtain a scar!