
Get rid of acne diets of healing

Annemarie Colbin, in his book "Food and healing", makes the interesting point that diets, healing even subsistence, are not a cure per is. They often work, but its route to health really is a product of support of healing of the body's own processes.

Your opinion about the conditions of the skin such as acne is interesting. She sees Acne as a result of the regular organs of elimination, the kidneys and lungs, being unable to remove all the toxic waster matter that they ingest into our bodies. Go to certain foods, such as those that make up what she calls the standard American diet, and with too great an emphasis on our body's ability to prosecute them, at least if the symptoms of ill health are appearing as acne. It has been found from his own observations that a change in diet often clarifies even the purples, major types of acne. She meets with her own experiences with acne. Annemarie says delay about ten days to three months of work.

Annemarie describes Acne as falling into two major causes in his approach. The first is associated with fat, protein and excess of sugar. Here she recommends eliminating foods such as milk, cheese, ice cream, fatty meats, nuts, and peanut butter. The second category is associated with what she calls excess mineral water, which is the end of s used to describe all substances beyond its natural context. She mentions iodized salt, or even multiple vitamins or supplements like algae. It is much a personal relationship, which negatively affects a person can not do it on the other.

The link between excess mineral or vitamin supplements refers to the idea of Colbin of balance, which is that a system of life always tries to return to balance. Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology even define the processes of the body in this way, and it is certainly a common idea in natural health, especially the traditional medicine of China (ERM) systems. Colbin writes that they lead to a greater need for the macro nutrients protein, fat and carbohydrate supplementation of vitamins and minerals in excess. The salt is also in this category. The idea is that these vitamins and minerals, outside the context of the food, will lead to the body craving real food to create a sense of balance. If you have a vitamin multi to meals, inside the GDR, I do not think that this is going to present a problem. Especially taking into account that our food are often sold out of the range of the essential nutrients that normally would have if they were grown organically and in soils with high density of nutrients. But it is certainly an argument in favour of moving towards a balanced nutritional supplements also. Some people mistakenly think more is better. This illustrates clearly is not.

Reference: Annemarie Colbin, food, as Simon Mills of healing (Ballantine Books, New York), the essential book of medicine Herbal (Penguin Arkana)

