
What causes adult acne?

Regardless of the age, the acne is a condition of the sebaceous glands. These glands are connected to the hair follicles and produce an oily substance called sebum. Acne lesion is formed when a hair follicle is converted in connected with sebum and dead skin cells. The events of pathogenic (disease-causing) are created in the sebaceous glands that it is largely due to changes in the levels of hormones (male) androgenic body, a circumstance that usually associated with the growth and development that occurs between the ages of 12 and 21. It is therefore important to look for an underlying cause of acne that occurs for the first time in adulthood.

Acne after 25 to 30 years of age is produced by one of these reasons: 1. recurrence of acne that clarified after adolescence 2. Outbreak of acne after a period of relative calm, e.g. during pregnancy 3. It occurs for the first time in a person who never had acne.

Acne that appears for the first time in adulthood should be examined by a dermatologist who can investigate the underlying cause. Some of the causes of acne adult are: * medication. Some drugs that can induce acne include anabolic steroids (sometimes used illegally by athletes to "bulk up"), some antiepileptic drugs, drugs against tuberculosis isoniazid and rifampicin, lithium and medications that contain iodine.

* Chronic physical pressure on the skin. Friction of the strap of a backpack or narrowness of a violin between the jaw and Chin can cause chronic physical pressure on the skin and can induce a condition known as acne mechanica.

* Chlorinated industrial chemicals. These can induce the work known as chloracne skin disorder.

* Metabolic conditions. Changes in the hormonal balance, such as those produced by the pregnancy, menstruation or hormonal abnormalities can induce acne.

It is also important to know that some injuries that appear to be of acne are no acne at all. A condition of the skin that resembles acne is Folliculitis that occurs when the hair follicles become infected and they become inflamed. Folliculitis requires a different treatment to acne.

Acne that occurs in adulthood may be difficult to treat if there are multiple repetitions. Some patients with severe acne appellant suffered repeated courses of treatment with isotretinoin of potent systemic drugs.

Adult Acne can be difficult to treat, acne that appears for the first time in adulthood should be examined and treated by a dermatologist.

