
Carpal tunnel syndrome is cultural?: MedlinePlus

Is carpal tunnel syndrome cultural?

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Translated from the English: Wednesday, may 25, 2011
Topic on MedlinePlus

Carpal tunnel syndrome

NEW YORK (Reuters) – each year, more than four out of every 1,000 Swedish women are diagnosed with the syndrome of the carpal tunnel, a number much lower than that recorded in United States, revealed a study carried out in Sweden.

In males, the number of new cases remained just below the two of every 1,000, according to research led by Isam Atroshi, of the Hassleholm Hospital in Sweden, and published in Archives of Internal Medicine.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition caused by a clamping to a nerve in the wrist. Although sometimes it will only, may require treatment, and possible surgery to relieve pressure on the nerve if they fail to splinting or corticosteroid hormone injections.

“Some studies estimated the incidence of the syndrome of the carpal tunnel (STC), showing wide differences between countries,” he wrote Atroshi.

“We believe the impact of the STC diagnosed by doctors and the surgeries in the general population in the South of Sweden and compare it with the general population of United States,” he added.

Previous studies have produced similar results.

One, in which participated Gelfman Russell of the clinic may, revealed that about twice as many people in the County of Olmsted, Minnesota, were diagnosed with carpal tunnel, compared with the observed rates in Sweden.

“This study adds to our comments that there are differences in the incidence of clinically attended carpal tunnel syndrome and surgical treatment between countries,” he told Reuters Health Gelfman, who did not participate in the recent study.

It is still unknown what is behind these differences, but both medical factors such as social, could affect wrote Atroshi.

For example, it could be related to obesity or various types of work, added the author.

Carpal tunnel often occur as a result of repetitive movements that cause inflammation in the ligaments of the wrist and pinzan nerve.

Gelfman reported that up to 15 percent of the population would have symptoms, but only around 5 per cent or less is diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Reuters Health
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Carpal tunnel syndrome is cultural?: MedlinePlus

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