As an important dry scalp remedy, you can wash which has a scalp shampoo dry more hair every two days, run a massage of the scalp, often use deep conditioners and consider the use of vitamin supplements food.
Dry scalp can be very irritating and annoying. This can cause film and a leather scalp itching. Here are several ideas to take care of a scalp, dry and film more itching that comes with the element.
If you have a dry scalp and hair, you want to apply shampoo every afternoon.
With the help of regular shampoo every day are only on the main causes of moisture being stripped and hair and leather hairy, forcing to acquire really dry. Shampoo every day to keep a good number of moisture in your hair is the first thing you want to do, to care for the scalp dry. Consider a shampoo that prevents your hair to be dry and choose a single trafficking conditions dry hair and scalp. Several brands of shampoo offer formulations created specifically for the hair dry, dry scalp, and difficulty with film. These methods generally do not restrict the specific wet items, for example acrylic mixture oil jojoba, green tea extorts more Moroccan argan oil.
Rub your brain.
Experts advise also a very simple to use remedies, to remove the hair and scalp dry. To bring out the natural moisture from your scalp and keep it healthy, at least 5 times per day, massage hair. When you massage, do not use your fingernails. Use instead the tip of your fingers to generate moisturizing more effective. Jojoba oil and oils of olive and also other recommended products are used on the scalp massage. A pharmacist Suzy Cohen, suggests also massage with combining vinegar of cider Apple and equal parts lime juice a few minutes. Apply shampoo and conditioner after massage to remove the unpleasant smell. Green tea which was cooled can also be effective in the treatment of scalp dry, as described by Dr. Mehmet Oz.
Regularly to implement deep treatment conditioner
You must begin and continue to maintain a routine of hydration of the roots of your hair to deal effectively with a situation of scalp dry. It is recommended that make you use of hot oil and conditioning treatments that can be bought at the counter or who are not a recommended professional, which means that your hair and scalp desiccated. Rub on regularly, at least once a week, most especially if you have chemically treated hair, such as hair that has a perm inside or straightened and the use of the heat on your hair.
Consider taking vitamin supplements
Regularly take supplements of gamma-linolenic acid may help you combat the scalp dry. Most supplements include acrylic of cassis, and fat evening primrose. You can ask your professional health on these supplements.
When make you the effort to help your scalp dry, it is rather important to prevent the main culprits who leave your scalp dry. These include repeated exposure so that you can hair products chemical and heat and also too much hair brushing and even frequently shampoo. If the remedies above you may not work after months of treatment, consult a medical expert for other alternative treatments, as well as to observe if any disease underlying may be the reason for your scalp dry.
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Source:scalp acne remedy