There are several types of acne lotions available to treat acne. These lotions provide immediate acne patients relief and be very effective. Do do Est? n available in various forms to the skin soft and bright and these lotions not dry the skin, in comparison? n with other acne products. Some of them are:-
Can do per? oxide of benzoyl loci? n
Do do do before applying this loci? n, the? affected area should be washed with water and jab? n not medicated or with a mild cleaner and do dry with a towel. Do to continuaci? n, the loci? n must be applied to the affected area and rub it gently. Do do do the loci? n should be applied by adults and the or? you about 1-4 times to d? to.
Do do do do if dryness or peeling occurs by this loci? n, reduce the application? this loci n? n once a d? a. proves to be very effective and shows the same results as treatment with antibi? ticos.
Loci? n glycolic
Do do skin appearance improvement by applying this loci? n and repairs the skin with m? s? I caused by acne and it should be avoided by the eyes.
Loci? Glytone n
Do do do it contains ingredients such as purified water, glycerin,? acid s? rbico, extract of Rosa, hydraulic? potassium hydroxide and? salic acid? Lycus. This loci? n can be placed at the tip of the toes and applied to the skin clean and dry to remove acne and makes the skin smooth and soft. It can be applied daily in the ma? ana and night.
Do do shield Sun d? to loci? n
Before applying this loci? n, skin should be carefully cleaned. Do do apply the loci? n before the one? n del sol and in the face, neck and other areas with acne affects every ma? ana and not must be used by the or? you under the age of 6 to? you.
Loci? n Control of acne overnight
Do do after cleansing the skin, apply the loci? n in the? rea affected with acne in the form of a thin layer and leave overnight to make it dry and wash it in the ma? ana. If excessive drying occurs, reduce the application? n of the loci? b.
Loci? n of drying end-Zit
Is a loci? n medicated to est? you are formulated to treat acne and r? rapidly dries the skin. It should be applied directly on acne.
Do meat polarized loci? n of treatment of acne
Est? formulated to penetrate the pores to control acne, blackheads and whiteheads and clarifies the skin and prevents the formaci? n of new acne.
Loci? n of acne BB & B
Do do do do do is an l? clear relaxing liquid loci? n containing ingredients such as? benzoic acid,? salic acid? lico which prevents the formaci? n of acne and not cause side effects or irritaci? n in the skin.