Film is a terribly common form of irritation of the scalp. It is in fact a un byby byby disease itself, said Dr. Warwick Carter in his ultimate book of family medical Guide, but almost all people describe a scalp which is usually shedding of large quantities of scale of face as films.
It seems to be caused by a disease called malassezia yeast-like, also known as pityrosporum. Malassezia is normally that comes with the scalp without causing problems, again, if it grows unchecked (possibly due to hormonal imbalances, stress, immune reductions, infrequent shampoo, disease or elevated oil production), there is mild inflammation that produces dead body cells.
Causes of films
The root causes of the film are impair our health, development of a toxic condition, mainly because of bad food, constipation, with a low vitality due to infectious diseases.
What are the symptoms?
The usual symptoms of films include with white, oily flakes for skin, dead in your hair and your muscles and an itchy scalp scale. Your scalp is too dry or greasy.
Film home remedies
1 Make various 2 teaspoons of vinegar and even 6 teaspoons of water and it pat on the scalp before bedtime. Keep it for the night with a towel in the head. Rinse your head with vinegar again this morning water.
2 Mix some essence of olive and almond and massage oil in your scalp. Leave to 5 minutes then rinse.
3 Nizoral shampoo anti-antifongiques/anti-dandruff shampoo containing ketoconazole component.
4 Tea tree oil (Melaleuca oil) was reported as useful in all the treatment of the film.
5 Ginger combine oil and ginger root, and try to find your scalp shampoo before. If your main film is really bad, use the mixture on 10-15 minutes short before shampoo.
6 Oil of Rosemary Rosemary Rub or variety of olive oil and Rosemary crushed leaves behind in your scalp and leave to compete.
7 Make an infusion of just one ounce each of fresh rosemary sage in 2 glasses of water or dry eventually. Let steep for at any time, and then use every day like a fabulous hair rinse.
Source:scalp acne remedy